一、商标权权利穷竭原则的内涵 “商标权利穷竭原则”一词一直被人们广泛使用,专家学者们不时地用商标权利穷竭原则来解释一些法律条文或社会现象,如平行进口等问题。但笔者发现,这个被人们奉为原则的东西。其具体内容至今尚未被界定清楚或准确,甚至存在着法律逻辑上的不严密,进而导致用其解释具体行为时的矛盾和冲突。目前,国内对商标权利穷竭原则的认识大致如下: 知识产权穷竭原则是知识产权领域一项特有的原
First, the connotation of the principle of exhaustion of trademark rights “The principle of exhaustion of trademark rights ” has been widely used, experts and scholars from time to time to use the principle of exhaustion of trademark rights to explain some legal provisions or social phenomena, such as parallel imports and other issues. However, I found that this is what people regard as principle. Its specific content has not been defined clearly or accurately so far, and even the existence of the legal logic is not rigorous, leading to the contradictions and conflicts in explaining specific behaviors. At present, the domestic understanding of the principle of exhaustion of trademark rights is broadly as follows: The principle of exhaustion of intellectual property is a unique principle in the field of intellectual property