在电影中,用高射炮打坦克的场面时常出现,令观众如醉如痴,其实这种情况在二战中屡见不鲜,德国88毫米高炮就是个中翘楚。在著名的北非战役中,多亏它的出色表现,隆美尔和他统率的轴心国军队才得以在沙漠中苦撑3年之久。 作为二战中最成功的一种火炮系统,88毫米高炮在西班牙内战期间就已初露锋芒,显示出无与伦比的反坦克能力。当时苏联人的T-26坦克威风八面,把德国人的轻型坦克打得大败,可88毫米高炮一上场,就立刻扭转了这种局面。T-26在它的猛烈轰击下,成了一团团燃烧的火球。在法国战场,这种新武器也立下了不少功勋。当隆美尔的第7装甲师在敦刻尔克面临英国坦克的反攻时,88毫米高炮的一次齐射就击毁了9辆“马蒂
In the movie, the scene of using anti-aircraft guns to hit the tank often appeared, making the audience enthralled. In fact, this situation was not uncommon in World War II. The German 88mm anti-aircraft gun was one of the best. In the famous Battle of North Africa, thanks to its excellent performance, Rommel and his Axis forces were able to survive in the desert for three years. As one of the most successful artillery systems in World War II, the 88mm antiaircraft artillery was first exposed during the Spanish Civil War and demonstrated unparalleled anti-tank capabilities. At that time, the Soviet T-26 tanks imposingly defeated the German's light tanks and once the 88mm anti-aircraft guns were played, it immediately reversed the situation. T-26 in its violent bombardment, has become a burning fireball. In the French battlefield, this new weapon has also made a lot of meritorious service. While Rommel's 7th Panzer Division was facing a British tank counterattack at Dunkirk, a volley of 88mm anti-aircraft guns destroyed 9 "Martyrs