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民事诉讼程序作为一独立的司法程序,主要包括庭前程序与庭审程序二大内容。我国自90年代起开始的司法改革,切入点是审判方式的改革,依据该改革,我国的审判方式完成了从职权主义模式到当事人主义模式的转变,建立了当事人限期举证、证据失权等制度,规范了庭审中举证、质证及认质的程序。这种审判方式的司法改革,符合国际民事诉讼发展的潮流,从司法实践效果看,也取得了较大的成功。但勿庸置疑,这种审判方式的改革是紧紧围绕一个中心即“庭审”(开庭审理)而开展的,其关注点只在于如何保障庭审有序、有效,判决公正、正确。从最早1998年最高人民法院《关于民事经济审判方式改革问题的若干规定》(以下简称《审判方式规定》),到2001年《关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》(以下简称《证据规定》),其中内容都体现了这一点。尤其值得一提的是,审判方式改革的过程中,“一步 Civil procedure as an independent judicial process, including the pre-trial procedures and the two major procedural procedures. According to the reform, the trial mode of our country has completed the transition from the mode of power to the mode of parties, and established the system of parties’ deadline proof and evidence invalidity, etc. At the beginning of the 1990s, the judicial reform in our country started with the reform of trial mode. , Standardize the proof of trial, cross-examination and certification procedures. Judicial reform in this way of trial conforms to the trend of the development of international civil litigation. Judging from the effect of judicial practice, it has also achieved great success. However, there is no doubt that this reform of the trial mode has been conducted around a single center, ie ”trial court“ (court trial). The focus of the trial is merely on how to guarantee an orderly, effective hearing and a fair and correct judgment. From the earliest 1998 Supreme People’s Court ”Several Provisions on the Reform of the Civil Trial Law“ (hereinafter referred to as ”the Rules of Trial“) to the ”Several Provisions on Evidence of Civil Proceedings“ (hereinafter referred to as ”the Provisions of Evidence“) in 2001, This is reflected in the content. In particular, it is worth noting that in the process of trial reform, ”one step."
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这是一场意志与权势的较量,更是一场胆魄与金钱的对决,也 是一场蚂蚁与大象的争斗,结局是法律正义的胜利。 This is a contest of willpower and power. It is a showdown b