2001年1月1日起,广东陆路通关改革在海关总署广东分署所辖的广州、深圳、黄埔、拱北、汕头、江门、湛江海关关区试运行。此项改革是全国海关通关制度改革的重要组成部分。 作为“两水两路”(“两水”指珠江、长江水域;“两路”指广东陆路、沪宁陆路)快速通关工程之一的广东陆路通关改革一推出,立即引起社会各界特别是广大进出口企业的广泛关注。广东陆路通关为什么要改?改了些什么?与广大进出口企业有何关系?带着这些问题,记者日前走访了有关方面权威人士。
Since January 1, 2001, the land clearance reform in Guangdong has been commissioned in the customs districts of Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Huangpu, Gongbei, Shantou, Jiangmen and Zhanjiang, under the jurisdiction of the Guangdong Branch of the General Administration of Customs. This reform is an important part of the reform of customs clearance system across the country. As one of the “two rivers” (“two water” refers to the Pearl River, the Yangtze River waters; “two” refers to the land of Guangdong, Shanghai and Nanjing land) one of the rapid customs clearance of land clearance in Guangdong was launched, immediately caused all sectors of society, especially the vast majority Import and export enterprises of widespread concern. Guangdong land clearance why change? What changed? With the majority of import and export enterprises have any relations? With these questions, the reporter recently interviewed the relevant authorities.