肺炎支原体(MP)脑炎是儿童期 MP感染的常见的肺外表现之一. 与其他脑炎相比,MP脑炎并无特征性临床改变. 对于MP脑炎患儿,要获取MP感染的直接证据相当困难(脑脊液中很少能检测到MP). 常用的血清学检查方法对MP脑炎诊断的特异性和敏感性均较低,故MP脑炎的诊断相当棘手,至今尚无统一的诊断标准. 由于 MP脑炎发病机制尚未完全被阐明,以致其治疗方案选择,特别是抗感染治疗,仍存较大争议.“,”Mycoplasma pneumoniae ( MP) encephalitis is one of the most frequent pediatric extrapulmo-nary manifestations of MP infection .There is no evidence that MP encephalitis might be clinically distinguish-able from encephalitis caused by other pathogens as it has no specific changes of clinical manifestations . Direct evidence of MP infection is difficult to obtain ,because MP is seldom detected in cerebral spinal fluid . The limited specificity and sensitivity of currently available MP serologic assays are significant impediments to the accurate diagnosis of MP encephalitis and so far there is no unified diagnostic standard of MP encephali-tis.The treatment for MP encephalitis,especially antibiotic therapy,remains controversial.