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  I am a Chinese student studying in the U.S. I read your June issue and noticed one article entitled “Literature Transcends National Boundaries: Chinese Writing in Translation.” My major is comparative literature and as I know, it has been widely discussed that Chinese writer Mo Yan’s nomination for the Nobel Prize in literature in 2012 was largely because his novels have been translated into many languages, making him better known amongst foreign readers than other Chinese novelists. In addition, Chinese writer Liu Cixin’s science fiction novel The Three-Body Problem was nominated for the 2014 Nebula Award for Best Novel and won the 2015 Hugo Award for Best Novel, owing to its outstanding English translation by Ken Liu, an American science-fiction/fantasy writer and translator of science fiction. It’s clear that translators play a key role in bridging the linguistic and cultural gaps between writers and readers of different nationalities. The International Writing Center at Beijing Normal University was established in 2013, and Mo Yan is the director of the center, which aims to introduce more wonderful Chinese literature to the world and to nurture more young Chinese writers and translators. Young Americans like reading Chinese martial arts and science fiction novels. I suggest that your magazine serialize novels which can attract more younger readers.
  Yang Baoli
  I am a Serbian businessman and this is my first visit to China. Chinese customers’ interest in our agricultural products encourages me to sell Serbian organic food to China. It is also my first time reading your magazine which I would like to say is a really wonderful experience. For ordinary people in Serbia, some may be curious about traditional and modern Chinese culture, some want to attract more Chinese tourists to our country; but for me, reading through your magazine helps me understand what Chinese people care about and what they like. As a businessman, I hear about China’s Belt & Road Initiative and hope to discover some opportunities to conduct cooperation with countries along the Silk Road route, selling my homemade products to the outside world. I also know that the China-CEE “16+1 cooperation” mechanism, serving as an engine for CEE countries to vitalize sluggish economies and achieve recovery, has injected new impetus into China-Serbia ties. I hope that our sound bilateral relations can bring us more preferential policies and programs. Looking forward to reading more about China.
  Nedeljko Misic
【正】1绿色投弹手蠕虫(Swima bombiviridis)类别:顶须虫科Swima属发现地:美国加利福尼亚州中央海岸金海深海区简介:海洋蠕虫,受惊后身体会释放一种闪着绿色生物光的"炸弹"式
深圳广播电影电视集团—刘茜、叶莉红近两年来,深圳广播电影电视集团 FM89.8广播新闻频率《倩颖随行》节目在介绍众多音乐种类的时候,在“古典”、“流行”、“摇滚”、“爵