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运用微观薄片、扫描电镜和微观图像等资料,以东营凹陷北部陡坡带深层砂砾岩体天然气储层为例,结合其储层温度与埋深资料,应用定量回推反演的方法对低渗透天然气储层孔隙演化进行了定量研究。根据储集空间类型和孔隙特征将储层划分为以次生溶蚀孔隙为主、次生孔隙与原生残余孔隙共存和以微裂缝为主3种类型。依据对储层物性的影响可以将成岩作用分为2大类:建设性的成岩作用类型(欠压实作用、溶解作用和重结晶作用)和破坏性的成岩作用类型(压实作用、沥青充填作用及各种胶结沉淀作用),并引入成岩作用强度的概念,定量分析了各类成岩作用对3种类型储层的孔隙演化的控制作用,认为Ⅰ型储层主要受酸性溶蚀作用影响,Ⅱ型储层由于上覆膏盐层的影响保留了一定量的原生孔隙,Ⅲ型储层早期压实强烈,后期酸性地层水很难进入,基本无溶蚀作用。 Taking the thin layer, scanning electron microscopy and microscopic images as an example, taking the gas reservoir of deep glutenite body in the steep slope belt in the northern part of Dongying depression as an example, with the data of reservoir temperature and depth, the quantitative backpropagation method was used to measure the gas content of low permeability natural gas The evolution of reservoir porosity has been quantitatively studied. According to the type of reservoir space and pore features, the reservoirs are divided into three types: secondary dissolution pores, secondary pores and primary residual pores, and microfractures. Diagenesis can be divided into two major groups according to their influence on reservoir physical properties: constructive diagenesis types (under-compaction, dissolution and recrystallization) and destructive diagenetic types (compaction, bitumen filling Function and various cementation and sedimentation), and the concept of diagenesis intensity is introduced to quantitatively analyze the controlling effect of various diagenesis on the pore evolution of three types of reservoirs. It is concluded that the type Ⅰ reservoir is mainly affected by acid dissolution Ⅱ Type reservoirs retain a certain amount of primary porosity due to the overlying gypsum salt layer. Type III reservoirs are strongly compacted early, and acidic formation water is difficult to enter in the late period with little or no dissolution.
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我刊明年扩版,由四十八页增至六十四页,首页将设《卷首语》栏目,现向广大读者征集《卷首语》的稿件,入选稿件,特殊对侍,优稿优酬,稿件的具体要求如下: 内容要求:关于中小学杖育重点、
7月 5日收读一封陌生朋友的来信。一刹那,我不由自主地流下了泪水。我太感谢张兴平这位素未谋面的朋友对我父亲和我的关爱;我更感谢《中国工会财会》编辑部能给我这么一个宝贵
现在有些政治理论读物不受读者欢迎,我们应当汲取什么教训,怎样改进这项工作,是大家所关心的问题。我们邀请一部分有关人士,座谈了这个问题。下面是座谈的记录:    理论要与实际结合    目前出版的政治读物和报刊的理论宣传文章,有一部分在青年中不受欢迎。有些大、中学校的政治课、理论课,学生不爱听。有人说,这是青年人不关心政治,对理论没有兴趣。实际并不完全是这样。不关心政治的青年确实存在,但是还有很多青
科泽(Lewis Coser 1913—)生于柏林,第二次世界大战后在芝加哥大学和布兰代斯大学任教,并获哥伦比亚大学哲学博士学位。他在布兰代斯度过了大半生,并在那里从讲师升为正教授
AIM To evaluate the long-term treatment outcomes of tenofovir therapy in patients in a real world Australian tertiary care setting.METHODS We performed a retros