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目的:观察妊娠16~27+6周,自愿要求终止妊娠妇女,应用利凡诺联合米非司酮比单用利凡诺在中期引产中对促宫颈成熟快,缩短引产时间,减少副损伤等疗效。方法:选择妊娠16~27+6周,自愿要求终止妊娠妇女180例,随机分成A、B、C 3组,每组60例。A组顿服米非司酮150 mg,同时利凡诺80 mg羊膜腔内注入。B组米非司酮150 mg分3次口服,间隔12 h,同时利凡诺80 mg羊膜腔内注入。C组单用利凡诺80mg羊膜腔内注入。结果:A组与B组促宫颈成熟,缩短引产时间,减少副损伤等方面无显著差异,但A组与B组较C组有显著差异。结论:利凡诺联合米非司酮在终止16~27+6周妊娠可明显缩短中期引产时间,降低孕妇痛苦,减少引产副损伤,对提高引产成功率具有优越性,是一种更为安全、有效的引产方法。 OBJECTIVE: To observe the voluntary termination of pregnancy in women between the ages of 16-27 and 6 weeks of gestation. The application of rivanol combined with mifepristone is more effective than rivanol in promoting cervical ripening, shortening the time of induction of labor and reducing the secondary injury in mid-term labor induction Efficacy. Methods: One hundred and eighty women who voluntarily requested termination of pregnancy were randomly divided into A, B and C groups, 60 cases in each group. A group of patients taking mifepristone 150 mg, while rivanol 80 mg amniotic cavity injection. Group B mifepristone 150 mg 3 times orally, with an interval of 12 h, while rivanol 80 mg amniotic cavity injection. C group rivanol 80mg amniotic cavity injection alone. Results: There was no significant difference between group A and group B in promoting cervical maturation, shortening the time of induction of labor, and reducing the secondary injury. However, there was significant difference between group A and group B compared with group C. Conclusions: Levano combined with mifepristone in the termination of 16-27 + 6 weeks of pregnancy can significantly reduce the mid-term induction of labor time, reduce the pain of pregnant women and reduce the incidence of induced abortion, has the advantage of improving the success rate of induction of labor is a more secure Effective method of induction of labor.
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