4月20日下午,河北省邢台市第一劳动技工学校成功举办了首届“讲普通话、写规范字”比赛。有70多名同学参加了现场比赛。比赛充分展示了此项活动开展以来的巨大成绩。 “讲普通话、写规范字”,似乎一直是师范教育的专利,技工学校的学生就是“接线头,磨铁块。”如今“讲
The afternoon of April 20, Xingtai City, Hebei Province, the first labor and technical schools successfully held the first “speak Mandarin, write the standard word” competition. More than 70 students attended the live match. The competition has fully demonstrated the great achievements of this activity. “Putting Putonghua, writing norms,” seems to have been the patent of teacher education, technical school students are “wiring head, grinding iron.” Now