Male patient, 36 years old, farmer. Due to recurrent palpitation, chest tightness more than a year in October 28, 1989 admission. A year ago, the patient was brushed with a broken chest on the left chest and feel panicked, chest tightness, dizziness. After repeated attacks, more no obvious incentive. Beginning for half a month to 1 month attack, sustained about half a day, after the rest can ease. 3 months before admission seizures frequent, duration also extended. Syncope occurred once. Past history, personal history and family history is no special. Physical examination: T37 ℃, P72 beats / min, Bp17.9 / 10.7kPa (134 / 80mmHg). Conscious mind, jugular vein does not anger, no abnormal carotid pulse, thyroid is not big. Cardiopulmonary and abdominal abnormalities were found, heart rate 72 beats / min, rhythm Qi. No lower extremity edema.