1983年夏,河南省淮阳县发生了一起全国罕见的走私和盗掘古文物案,711座周秦两汉的古墓被毁,给国家造成了无可挽回的损失,引起了全国各阶层人士的极大愤慨。 4年过去了,在文物比较集中的河南,盗掘古墓和文物走私之风并没有因此而有所收敛。据有关部门统计:自淮阳事件以来,河南又有42个县发生了80多起盗掘文物案,被盗古墓和文化遗址1500多座,馆藏文物被盗案40多起,失窃文物500多件,其中不少是
In the summer of 1983, a rare case of smuggling and excavation of ancient relics took place in Huaiyang County, Henan Province. The destruction of 711 ancient tombs of the Zhou, Han and Han dynasties caused irreparable damage to the country and caused many people of all walks of life in the country Very indignant. Four years have passed. In Henan, where cultural relics are relatively concentrated, the winds of excavations and the smuggling of cultural relics did not converge. Statistics from related departments: Since the Huaiyang incident, more than 80 cases of cultural relics excavation, stolen tombs and cultural sites have been stolen in 42 counties in Henan Province, more than 40 cases of theft of cultural relics and more than 500 theft of cultural relics Pieces, many of them