安捷伦科技公司与赛默飞世尔科技签订了一份有关交换仪器控制的正式协议,以改善使用这两家公司软件和仪器客户的分析效率和用户体验。根据这一最新协议,安捷伦与赛默飞世尔已相互交换各自液相色谱、气相色谱、毛细管电泳和离子色谱的仪器控制驱动程序文档和软件。这两家公司为彼此的软件开发团队提供技术协助,以便实现Thermo Scientific Chromeleon
Agilent Technologies and Thermo Fisher Scientific have entered into a formal agreement to exchange instrumentation controls to improve the analytical efficiency and user experience of customers who use both of these companies’ software and instrumentation. Under the latest agreement, Agilent and Invitrogen have exchanged instrument control driver documentation and software with each other for liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, capillary electrophoresis and ion chromatography. The two companies provide technical assistance to each other’s software development team to implement Thermo Scientific Chromeleon