PBC模式(Performance Based Contract)PBC是基于性能的合同模式,指发包人在合同中明确承包人交付的产品或提供的服务要达到的性能要求,而不具体限定承包商的实现方式、方法和材料要求等,PBC模式更加注重结果而不是过程;基于道路养护的PBC模式是指道路养护费用的支付明确与承包人是否达到或超过合同约定的最低道路性能状况直接相关,而不是传统的根据承包人的投入或工作量进行支付。
Performance Based Contract PBC is a performance-based contractual model that refers to the contractual nature of the contractor’s deliverables or services provided by the contractor and does not specifically define the way, method and material of the contractor’s implementation Requirements and so on, the PBC model is more emphasis on the results rather than the process; PBC model based on road maintenance refers to the road maintenance costs paid explicitly and the contractor is to meet or exceed the minimum road performance contractually agreed directly, rather than the traditional under the contractor The input or workload to pay.