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1.总览全局,整体破解法读文言文和读其他文章一样,切忌断章取义。要读懂文意,必须从整体上进行把握。也就是说,要从全局出发,不能只看到某一句、某一点。近年来,文言文阅读题的选文多为人物传记。人物传记大多是集中记述某个人的言行或事迹的,因为都是讲主人公的事迹,所以很多句子就承前省 1. Overview of the overall situation, the overall crack method to read the classical Chinese and read other articles, should not get out of context. To understand the text, we must grasp from the whole. In other words, from the overall situation, we can not just see a certain sentence, a certain point. In recent years, classical Chinese reading essay mostly character biography. Character biography mostly focus on a person’s words or deeds, because they are all about the hero’s deeds, so many sentences on the pre-save
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1.Accession number:201448269632The application of resonance Method Hydrocarbon Detection in oil&gas exploration Li,Xu-Tao(Institute of Oil and Gas,Peking Univer
本文在综述世界包装机械的发展趋势后,分析了我国存在的差距,并提出我国应大力发展技术含量高、市场需求量大的包装机械的五大战略。 After reviewing the development tren
目前甲壳素主要是从虾、蟹壳中提取。本文研究了从蝉蜕中提取甲壳素,其提取率为34.3%,远高于虾、蟹壳中甲壳素的提取率。本研究为甲壳素的生产开辟了另一产源。 Chitin is c
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