为全面推进事业单位综合配套改革,现就事业单位改为企业的有关问题作如下规定: 一对象与形式 (一)生产经营型事业单位改为企业。技术服务型和其它类型的事业单位,条件成熟的改为企业;条件不成熟的实行企业化管理,逐步向企业过渡。 (二)改为企业的事业单位按照产权清晰
In order to comprehensively promote the comprehensive reform of public institutions, we hereby make the following provisions on the relevant issues concerning the conversion of public institutions into enterprises: 1. Objects and Forms (I) Production-operation-oriented institutions are replaced by enterprises. Technical services and other types of institutions, the conditions are ripe for the enterprise; the immature implementation of enterprise management, and gradually transition to the enterprise. (B) to change the business units in accordance with clear property rights