美国 AMDL公司于 1 991年研究发现 DR- 70 TM和恶性肿瘤密切相关 ,是一种广谱肿瘤标志物。α- L-岩藻糖苷酶 ( AFU)为近年来国内外学者报道对PHC尤其是 AFP阴性的和低浓度的 PHC具有较大诊断价值的肝癌标志物 ;γ-谷氨酰转肽酶 (γ- GT)被认为是肝癌的特异性标志物 ,由肝细胞产
In1991, AMDL Company of the United States found that DR-70 TM is closely related to malignant tumors and is a broad-spectrum tumor marker. α-L-fucosidase (AFU) is a marker of liver cancer with high diagnostic value for PHC, especially AFP-negative and low-concentration PHC in recent years. Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (γ - GT) is considered a specific marker of liver cancer, produced by the liver cells