非损伤性微测技术已成为研究植物细胞和组织对各种非生物逆境适应性反应的普遍手段,该技术具有非损伤性、高时间分辨率和空间分辨率等特点,能够保持被测样品的完整性,在相对真实的生理环境状态下,测得进出样品细胞膜的离子浓度、流速和运动方向等参数。过去近30年间,很多研究通过微电极离子流技术MIFE(microelectrode ion flux estimation)或者类似的非损伤性微测技术阐释了离子跨膜转运过程对植物应对生物逆境胁迫(盐害、涝害、冷害、干旱、热害等)的响应机理,在生命科学领域做出了重要贡献。本文以MIFE技术为例,较为详细地阐述了其工作原理以及该技术与其他技术的结合在作物逆境应答中的信号转导研究进展。
Non-invasive micro-technology has become a universal means to study plant cells and tissues adaptive response to various abiotic stresses. The technology has the characteristics of non-invasiveness, high time resolution and spatial resolution, and can keep the Integrity, in a relatively real state of the physiological environment, measured the ion concentration, flow rate and direction of movement of the membrane into and out of the sample and other parameters. In the past 30 years, many researches have explained the biological response to plant transboundary membrane transmutation (salt damage, waterlogging, chilling injury) through microelectrode ion flux estimation (MIFE) or similar non-invasive micro- , Drought, heat damage, etc.) have made important contributions in the life sciences. In this paper, MIFE technology is taken as an example to describe the working principle of MIFE in detail and the progress of signal transduction in crop stress response combining with this technology.