通过查阅文献,从周围神经损伤的发生原因、治疗方法及各种方法的利与弊、间充质干细胞与周围神经损伤治疗的关系、已取得的成绩、存在问题等方面进行分析总结。分析表明周围神经损伤很常见,目前无较好的解决办法,间充质干细胞及其诱导而来的类施万细胞有望成为其种子细胞。周围神经损伤及间充质干细胞的研究目前已取得很多成绩,但还有很多问题值得进一步研究,通过间充质干细胞诱导分化为类施万细胞治疗周围神经损伤前景非常广阔。“,”To discuss the cause and treatment methods for peripheral nerve injury,and the relation-ship between mesenchymal stem cells and treatment for peripheral nerve injury , as well as the up-to-date achievements and unresolved problems in this research field by studying the reference literatures . It indicates the peripheral nerve injury is common,without good solution currently.Mesenchymal stem cells and Schwann-like cells induced by them are promising to be the seed cells of nerve graft .There has been a lot of achievements in the research of peripheral nerve damage and mesenchymal stem cells , but there still remains many problems to be further investigated .Schwann-like cells induced by mesen-chymal stem cells have broad prospects in the treatment for peripheral nerve injury .