2004年是中国加入世界贸易组织后的第三年 ,对于开放程度已经非常高的中国家电市场而言 ,“国内竞争国际化 ,国际竞争国内化”,未来几年家电行业将呈现以下八大发展趋势 :1.中国作为全球家电制造中心的地位将进一步稳固随着信息技术为代表的新一轮技术革命的到来 ,家电市场总体
2004 is the third year after China’s accession to the World Trade Organization. For the Chinese home appliance market that has been very open to the outside world, “domestic competition is internationalized and international competition is domesticized.” In the next few years, the home appliance industry will show the following eight major trends : 1. China as a global home appliance manufacturing center will further strengthen the position With the advent of a new round of technological revolution represented by information technology, the overall appliance market