经过数月的预览与等待,阿尔法·罗密欧于当地时间2015年6月24日在米兰世博会正式发布代号为Tipo 952的新一代Giulia轿车,新车有望于2015年晚些时候上市。当天还适逢阿尔法·罗密欧建厂105周年纪念。此前,菲克集团CEO马尔乔内曾多次表示,公司计划在不久后将这个百年意大利品牌引入中国。外观方面,新款Giulia继承了阿尔法·罗密欧MiTo、4C等车型的设计元素,标志性的倒三角进气隔栅得以延续。同时,高配
After months of previewing and waiting, Alfa Romeo officially launched the next-generation Giulia sedan, code-named Tipo 952, at the World Expo in Milan on June 24, 2015, expected to be available later in 2015. The same day also coincides with the 105th anniversary of the establishment of Alfa Romeo factory. Earlier, Fick Group CEO Malchow said on many occasions that the company plans to introduce the century-old Italian brand to China soon. Appearance, the new Giulia inherited the Alfa Romeo MiTo, 4C and other models of the design elements, the iconic inverted triangle air intake grille to be continued. At the same time, high with