复关·名牌战路与ISO 9000

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1995年2月26日,中美就两国知识产权达成协议。至此,中国政府成功地解决了与美国的头号纠纷问题,为早日复关清除了一大障碍;5月9日在“关贸总协定”中国组主席吉拉德的主持下,中国的“复关”谈判在日内瓦的世界贸易组织总部恢复举行;6月26日中国正式被世界贸易组织接纳为该组织的观察员。这一系列现象表明,中断了近5个月的中国复关谈判又曙光再现,中国恢复《关贸总协定》缔约国地位进而成为世界贸易组织的成员将是必然的。 “入关”意味着我国正式进入国际市场经济的大循环,我国的市场将与世界市场融为一体。在我们充分享受“入关”后所应享有的优惠待遇的同时,我们必然要承担相应的责任和义务。高关税壁垒取消后,大量的国外优质名牌产品以其高质量、多用途、款式新、价格低(相对而言)将涌入中国市场, On February 26, 1995, China and the United States reached an agreement on intellectual property rights between the two countries. At this point, the Chinese government successfully resolved the issue of the number one dispute with the United States and cleared a major obstacle for the early re-entry; under the auspices of the GATT China Group Chairman Girard on May 9th, China’s The “Reopening” negotiations resumed at the headquarters of the World Trade Organization in Geneva; on June 26, China was officially accepted by the World Trade Organization as an observer of the organization. This series of phenomena shows that the suspension of negotiations on China’s reentry that took place in the past five months has not yet begun. It is inevitable that China will resume its membership in the GATT and become a member of the World Trade Organization. “Entering the customs” means that China officially enters the big cycle of the international market economy, and China’s market will be integrated with the world market. After we fully enjoy the preferential treatment that should be enjoyed after entering the customs, we must assume corresponding responsibilities and obligations. After the abolition of high tariff barriers, a large number of foreign high-quality brand-name products will be poured into the Chinese market with high quality, multi-purpose, new style, and low price (relatively speaking).
泪流满面地搜索少得可怜的回忆,猛然发现,那个世上我最爱的人离去后,生活真的只剩下了无尽的思念。 只是模糊地记得爷爷爱喝茶,尤其是龙井茶。在悠闲的午后,总能看见桌上放着一杯
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我所在的小城,樱桃栽种不多,但一入五月,就有外地人推着平板车来卖,一木盘一木盘的樱桃,很魅惑人。它在眼前晃,在脑子里晃,晃啊晃的,就晃出一个人的好多联想:比如,印度美女眉心的红色吉祥痣;比如,明晃晃、光润润、娇艳如花的性感小嘴巴;还有那个樱桃小丸子一样刁蛮的清新系小女生。  清水洗净的樱桃,盛在晶亮玻璃碗里,这样看那样看,都叫人心动。摩挲片刻,忍不住口舌之欲,捻一个,再捻一个,吃不够咧。  樱桃,