利用高斯平滑滤波对2002年4月-2010年12月逐月GRACE卫星的时变重力场数据反演得到长江流域大尺度陆地水储量变化,对其时空变化进行研究,并将结果与全球陆面同化数据(GLDAS)模拟结果进行比较。其结论为:根据GRACE数据反演与GGLDAS模拟得到的水储量结果在大多数区域变化趋势相同,两者具有一致性,相关性达到0.89(P<0.05)。GRACE水储量研究结果表明:①2002-2010年长江流域水储量呈增加趋势,平均增长速率为0.43 mm/月,相当于约95.04亿m3/年。长江上游增长速率为0.53 mm/月,相当于约67.13亿m3/年;中游增长速率为0.51 mm/月,相当于25.73亿m3/年;下游增长速率为0.36 mm/月,相当于9.14亿m3/年。近9年长江流域水储量共增加约855.33亿m3。②从多年平均水储量空间分布来看,长江流域冬季月份(12、1、2、3月)水储量处于亏损状态,7-9月水储量处于盈余状态,4-6月下游至上游地区由亏损向盈余状态过渡,而10-11月则从上游至下游地区由盈余向亏损状态过渡。③全流域、上游及中游水储量逐月增长速率最大值出现在9月,分别为1.01 cm/a、1.37cm/a、1.05 cm/a;而下游地区则出现在7月,增长速率为1.62 cm/a。
Gaussian smoothing is used to retrieve the large-scale land-water reserves in the Yangtze River basin from April 2002 to December 2010 by monthly GRACE satellite data. The spatial and temporal variations of the GRACE satellite are studied. The results are compared with the global land surface Assimilation Data (GLDAS) simulation results were compared. The conclusion is that the trend of water reserves obtained from GRACE data inversion and GGLDAS simulation is the same in most regions, and the consistency between the two is 0.89 (P <0.05). The results of GRACE water reserve research show that: (1) The water storage in the Yangtze River Basin showed an increasing trend from 2002 to 2010 with an average growth rate of 0.43 mm / month, equivalent to about 9.504 billion m3 / year. The upper Yangtze reaches a growth rate of 0.53 mm / month, equivalent to about 6,713 million m3 / year; the mid-course growth rate is 0.51 mm / month, equivalent to 2.573 billion m3 / year; downstream growth rate is 0.36 mm / month, equivalent to 914 million m3 /year. In the past nine years, the water reserves in the Yangtze River increased by a total of 85.533 billion m3. ② According to the spatial distribution of the average annual water reserves, the water reserves in the winter months (December, January, February and March) of the Yangtze River Basin are at a loss and the water reserves are in surplus during the period from July to September. From April to June, Loss to the surplus state transition, and from October to November from the upstream to downstream areas from surplus to loss state transition. (3) The maximum monthly growth rate of water reserves in the whole basin, upper reaches and middle reaches appeared in September, being 1.01 cm / a, 1.37 cm / a and 1.05 cm / a, respectively, while the lower reaches appeared in July with a growth rate of 1.62 cm / a.