1 建立正确鲜明的物理模型是物理学研究的重要方法和有力手段之一物理学所研究的各种问题,在实际上都涉及许多因素.而模型则是在抓住主要因素.忽略次要因素的基础上建立起来的.它具有具体形象,生动、深刻地反映了事物的本质和主流这一重要属性.例如“质点”这一模型.在物体的宏观平动运动中.描述运动的物理量位移、速度、加速度等对同一物体来说其上各点都相同.这就告诉人们.在这些问题的研究中,运动物体的大小和形状是可不考虑的.因而可将运动物体质点化.即用质点模型来取代真实运动的物体进行分析研究.
1 The establishment of a correct and distinct physical model is an important method for physics research and one of the powerful means for studying physics. In fact, it involves many factors. The model is seizing the main factors. Ignoring the secondary factors. It has a concrete image that vividly and profoundly reflects the essential nature of things and the important attribute of mainstream, such as the model of “mass”. In the macro-translational movement of objects, the physical displacement describing motion , speed, acceleration, etc. are all the same for the same object. This tells people. In the study of these problems, the size and shape of the moving object can be ignored. Therefore, the moving object can be massified. The particle model replaces the real moving object for analysis.