Idiopathic or periodic edema is almost a woman’s special condition. Characteristics of intermittent attacks, due to standing and aggravating. The diagnosis of the disease should first rule out other causes of edema, as well as significantly increased daytime body weight performance. Etiology is not clear, studies have pointed out: cyclical edema in women with chronic hypovolemia caused by standing urine and sodium excretion decreased, but the mechanism of hypovolemia is still controversial. Also noted that women with cyclical edema showed emotional instability, severe depression often associated with hypothalamic-pituitary axis disorders. Therefore, the authors studied hypothalamic function in 14 patients with thyroid-releasing hormone (TRH) and luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH). 14 cases of the main complaint of whole body edema body weight gain over 1.40kg, physical examination and biochemical tests to exclude other causes of edema, the average age of patients 35 ± SEM3.0 years old, average body weight 67 ± 3.5kg, were no history of contraceptives However, diuretics were used in 11 cases, of which 8 were discontinued 3 months ago and 3 were continued. Six normal women as a control, the average age of 32 ± 2.5 years, the average body weight