,An integrated approach for dynamic traffic routing and ramp metering using sliding mode control

来源 :交通运输工程学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kj30fjgh
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The problem of designing integrated traffic control strategies for highway networks with the use of route guidance,ramp metering is considered.The highway network is simulated using a first order macroscopic model called LWR model which is a mathematical traffic flow model that formulates the relationships among traffic flow characteristics in terms of density,flow,and mean speed of the traffic stream.An integrated control algorithm is designed to solve the proposed problem,based on the inverse control technique and variable structure control (super twisting sliding mode).Three case studies have been tested in the presence of an on-ramp at each alteate route and where there is a capacity constraint in the network.In the first case study,there is no capacity constraint at either upstream or downstream of the alteate routes and the function of the proposed algorithm is only to balance the traffic flow on the alteate routes.In the second case study,there is capacity constraint at downstream of alteate routes.The proposed algorithm aims to avoid congestion on the main road and balance the traffic flow on the altemate routes.In the last case study,there is capacity constraint at upstream of alteate routes.The objective of proposed algorithm is to avoid congestion on the main road and to balance the traffic flow on the alteate routes.The obtained results show that the proposed algorithms can establish user equilibrium between two alteate routes even when the on-ramps,located at alteate routes,have different traffic demands.
【摘要】文章以提高多媒体创设高中英语词汇学习情境教学质量为目的,首先分析了多媒体对英语词汇教学的作用,其次针对多媒体教学情境的创设提出了一些注意事项。帮助高中英语教学真正合理利用多媒体,激发出情境创设的价值。  【关键词】多媒体;情境创设;高中英语词汇学习  【中图分类号】G633.41;G434 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)36-0288-02  多媒体教学是现在
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【摘要】高等职业学校护理专业需积极探索校企合作办学新方向,实践“院校合作,医教一体”新模式,改革课程体系,整合教学资源,设计课程开发,促进教材建设,积极培养高质量人才,依靠学校专业优势,与企业展开合作,共享资源,力求双赢。  【关键词】高职;护理专业;院校合作;医教一体;校企合作;模式  【基金项目】课题及编号:创新高职护理专业“医、养、护、学”一体化教学模式,助推养老产业发展研究(GZYLX20
【摘要】乡镇财政的工作性质在我国涉农税收做出重大调整之后发生了根本上的改变,但是由于一些配套措施和相关的制度没有及时的跟进或者有效的落实,造成了乡镇财政的整体运作存在着管理制度不健全、人员素质不高和专项资金缺乏监管等突出问题,本文在分析这些问题的基础上,有针对性的提出了增强乡镇财政调控能力的有效措施。  【关键词】乡镇财政;调控能力;增强;措施  【中图分类号】F812.45 【文献标识码】A 【
Among the different types of traffic sign damage,vandalism is exclusively caused by humans.Traffic sign vandalism is a serious concern,since it can lead to an i