开场锣鼓自古以来,丝绸之路中心地带的新疆荟萃交融过东西文化,在那大漠阻隔,流沙横卧,驼铃幽远,商队迤逦的旧时代,发祥于陕西的秦腔亦流传到新疆,陕、甘两地一些秦腔名家曾千里迢迢赴疆献艺。而今,开发大西北,建设新新疆已为世人所知,更有铁龙呼啸,银燕展翅,朝发夕至亦非昔日可比。但关内与边疆秦腔艺术交流却微乎甚微,令人不免遗憾! 欣喜今年元旦前后,乌鲁木齐市秦剧团在市委领导的指示下,积极联络,又得力于西安市文化主管部门及所属秦腔剧团的支持,先后邀请了著名秦腔演员全巧民、李爱琴、刘茹慧、王君秋、康少易到新疆演出,轰动边城,重重叩响了边疆观众的心扉,给沉寂了许久的边疆剧坛带来了生机。
Opening percussion Since ancient times, the Silk Road in central Xinjiang blend of Eastern and Western cultures, in that desert block, quicksand lying, Camel distant, caravan of the old era, Shaanxi Province, Shaanxi Province, also originated in Xinjiang, Shaanxi, Gan Some famous Qin cavalry in both places had traveled thousands of miles to Xinjiang. Now, the development of the Greater Northwest, the construction of a new Xinjiang has been known to the world, more iron dragon whistle, silver-yan wings, North Korea is not comparable to the old hair. However, the exchange of art within and across the border with the Qin Dynasty was negligible and it was unforgiven! After the New Year’s Day this year, the Qin Opera Troupe of Urumqi, under the direction of the municipal party committee leaders, actively contacted and relied on the cultural departments in Xi’an and the Shaanxi opera troupes Support, has invited the famous Qin chamber actors Quan Qiaomin, Li Aeqin, Liu Ruhui, Wang Junqiu, Kang Shaoyi to Xinjiang performance, sensationality of the border city, heavily knocked the hearts of frontier audiences, to quiet for a long time brought the border theater of life.