True love

来源 :第二课堂(高中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:beardengsha
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  An ancient Hebraic text says: “love is as strong as death”. It seems that not everyone experiences this kind of strong love. The increasing of crime and war tells us that the world is in need of true love. But what is true love?
  Love is something we all need. True love is best seen as the promotion and action, not an emotion. Love is not exclusively based on how we feel. Certainly our emotions are involved. But they cannot be our only criteria for love. True love is when you care enough about another person that you will lay down your life for. When this happens, then love truly is as strong as death. How many of you have a mother, or father, husband or wife, son or daughter or friend who would sacrifice his or her own life on yours? Many people in an emergency room with their loved ones and prayed “please, God, take me instead of them”. Find true love and be a true lover as well. May you find a love which is as strong as death.
  crime n. 犯罪,罪恶
  exclusively adv. 唯一地,仅仅地
  criteria n. 标准
  (Have you understood the meaning of true love?)
  明轩 整理
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