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爱伦·坡是现代侦探小说的鼻祖,其在《毛格街血案》中巧妙地运用了第一人称人物外视角开始讲述故事背景和写作目的,而进入故事层之后,则将视角内聚焦,转换成第一人称固定型内视角的方法。这种叙事视角贯穿于确定其鼻祖地位的“杜宾三部曲”当中,并对他之后柯南·道尔、阿加莎·克里斯蒂的小说创作产生重大影响。本文将对他侦探小说的叙事视角及其影响进行分析。 Allan Poe is the originator of modern detective novels. In the story of Mao Gejie, he skillfully applied the first-person outside perspective to tell the story background and purpose of writing, and after entering the story layer, he focused on the perspective Into the first person fixed-type perspective method. This narrative perspective runs through the “Doubt Trilogy” that determines its ancestral status, and has a significant impact on his later creation of Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie. This article will analyze his narrative perspective and its influence in detective novels.