A Petrogenetic Model of Basalts from the Northern Central Indian Ridge: 3-11°S

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ccysshucc
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Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts (MORB) from the Northern Central Indian Ridge (NCIR) were recovered between latitudes 3° and 11° S and are olivine tholeiite with higher abundances of K and Rb. They are of typical transitional MORB (T-MORB) variety and appear to have been generated from an enriched-mantle peridotite source. The primitive NCIR MORBs having Mg# > 0.68 are the product of partial melting at an estimated pressure of ~ 1 GPa. It is inferred that the magma was subsequently modified at a pressure > 1 GPa by crystal fractionation and spinel was the first mineral to crystallize followed by separation of relatively Fe-rich olivine with subsequent decrease in pressure. During progressive fractionation at lower pressure (between 1–0.5 GPa), the bulk composition of the magma became systematically depleted in MgO, and enriched in ΣFeO, TiO2, P2O5 and Na2O. There was, however, limited gradual depletion in Al2O3 and CaO and concomitant enrichment in K2O. With the progressive fractionation these basalts became gradually enriched in V, Co, Y, Zr and to some extent in Sr, and depleted in Ni and Cr. In addition, the ΣREE of the magma also increased with fractionation, without any change in (La/Yb)n value. Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts (MORB) from the Northern Central Indian Ridge (NCIR) were recovered between latitudes 3 ° and 11 ° S and are olivine tholeiite with higher abundances of K and Rb. They are of transitional MORB (T-MORB) variety and appear to have been generated from an enriched-mantle peridotite source. The primitive NCIR MORBs having Mg #> 0.68 are the product of partial melting at an estimated pressure of ~ 1 GPa. It is inferred that the magma was succeeded modified at a pressure> 1 GPa by crystal fractionation and spinel was the first mineral to crystallize followed by separation of relatively Fe-rich olivine with subsequent decrease in pressure. During progressive fractionation at lower pressure (between 1-0.5 GPa), the bulk composition of the magma was systematically depleted in MgO, and enriched in ΣFeO, TiO2, P2O5 and Na2O. There was, however, limited gradual depletion in Al2O3 and CaO and concomitant enrichment in K2O. With the progressive fractionation These basalts have been gradually enriched in V, Co, Y, Zr and to some extent in Sr, and depleted in Ni and Cr. In addition, the ΣREE of the magma also increased with fractionation, without any change in (La / Yb) n value.
在非洲撒哈拉沙漠以南的广阔地区,生活着一种其貌不扬、浑身灰蒙蒙的小鸟,这种小鸟有一个非常奇异的习性——能为人和动物指示蜜源,因此被称为“导蜜鸟”。导蜜鸟的导蜜行为在动物界中非常独特。这种“助人为乐”的行为引起了鸟类学家的高度兴趣。    并非无偿劳动    导蜜鸟主要分布在刚果流域浓密的森林和西非的部分地区,此外还广泛分布于从佛得角到东北非,然后穿过苏丹,直达塞内加尔这片广阔地区。导蜜鸟颜色单调,
每个人的身上都有不少细菌,我们的身体其实就是细菌的天然游乐场。不过,对于法医们来说,他们更感兴趣的不是人肚子里或脸上的细菌,而是人手上的细菌——就像指纹可以破案一样。法医们正在用手上的细菌破案。    在现实生活中,当凶杀案发生后,警察和法医就会立即奔赴凶杀现场收集各种证据,尤其是那些很可能被忽略的细微证据。这些细微证据也就是我们常说的“蛛丝马迹”,它们对于案件的侦破往往是至关重要的。然而,无论是