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4月26日,《中国新闻出版广电报》记者从第六届北京音乐版权保护与产业发展论坛上获悉,我国国内各大音乐网站从去年下半年开始积极试点音乐付费业务,截至今年4月,网络音乐包月用户数已突破500万,互联网音乐付费业务呈现良好态势。北京市版权局副局长王野霏表示,截至2015年12月,中国的互联网音乐网民超过了5亿,如果有20%的用户选择音乐付费业务,按照10元/月计算,那么中国互联网音乐每年的产值将达到120亿元。“如果其中的40%分配给了词曲作者、唱片公司,也就是40多亿元分 On April 26, a reporter from China Press and Publication Bureau reported on the 6th Beijing Music Copyright Protection and Industrial Development Forum that major domestic music websites have been actively piloting music payment services since the second half of last year. As of April this year, Internet music monthly subscription number has exceeded 5 million, Internet music pay business showed a good trend. According to Wang Yifei, deputy director of Beijing Copyright Bureau, as of December 2015, there are more than 500 million Internet music users in China. If 20% of users choose to pay for music and pay 10 yuan / month, the annual output value of Chinese Internet music Will reach 12 billion yuan. ”If 40% of them are assigned to the songwriter, record company, which is more than 40 billion yuan