【摘 要】
Nigeria-bom’s do-it-yourself test kit makes malaria diagnosis simpler EDDY Agbo had a close companion while growing up in Mbu,a small village in southeast Nige
Nigeria-bom’s do-it-yourself test kit makes malaria diagnosis simpler EDDY Agbo had a close companion while growing up in Mbu,a small village in southeast Nigeria,in the 1960s.It was malaria.“I lived through malaria for a large chunk of my life,”the49-year-old winner of a recent award for innovation with asocial impact,said,sitting in his office in Baltimore,the
Nigeria-bom’s do-it-yourself test kit makes malaria diagnosis simpler EDDY Agbo had a close companion while growing up in Mbu, a small village in southeast Nigeria, in the 1960s.It was malaria. “I lived through malaria for a large chunk of my life, ”the49-year-old winner of a recent award for innovation with asocial impact, said, sitting in his office in Baltimore, the
Mohamed Diini Ahmed talks with ChinAfrica about what the MBF has set out to achieve rnChinAfrica:What do you hope to achieve with this new annual landmark event
地质考察队在大山里发现了一处罕见的山洞。洞内地形非常曲折,大洞套小洞,小洞又连着大洞,变化无穷,宽大深远至极,还有深潭和峭壁,甚为奇险。此事一经曝光便引起无数探险者强烈的征服欲。几乎每隔半月便有慕名前来的探险者,但是进洞后安全返回的少之又少。即便出得洞来,多半都是半途而废者,没有人探到过它的尽头。于是,人们便为该洞取名“死亡谷”,渐渐地,前来探险的人少了,却留下了一些恐怖的传说。 正当此事就要归
G20 Summit’s inclusive policy agenda gives African countries hope CAROLINE Mwangi from Kenya’s K24 TV has a homely yet apposite way to describe the G20 Summit