
来源 :中国文物科学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jurenyaoyao
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20世纪尤其是改革开放以来,我国出土文献的种类与数量陡然剧增,内容广泛,对古籍整理、历史研究、考古断代、书法艺术乃至自然科学之天文地理皆具有重大价值,对我们这一代人来说是千载难逢的历史机遇,同时我们也面临新的挑战。许多出土文献未能及时整理,保护方面存在技术难关,流失现象开始出现,其原因与人才不足及协调管理力度不够相关。目前出土文献的保护与整理已受到各界人士的关注,各项积极措施已在跟进。 Since the 20th century, especially since the reform and opening up, the types and numbers of unearthed documents in our country have dramatically increased and have a wide range of contents. They are of great value to ancient books sorting, historical research, archeological dating, calligraphy and even the natural sciences astronomical geography. It is a once-in-a-century historic opportunity and we are also facing new challenges. Many unearthed documents failed to be sorted in time, there are technical difficulties in protection, and the phenomenon of loss began to appear. The reasons are not enough related to insufficient personnel and coordinated management. At present, the protection and arrangement of the unearthed documents have drawn the attention of people from all walks of life and various positive measures have been followed up.
陆游    “书巢”勤学。南宋诗人陆游从小就非常刻苦、勤奋、好学。他的房间很特别,不仅桌上摆的是书,柜子里装的是书,而且床上堆的也都是书,被人们叫做“书巢”。他一生中留下了9000多首诗歌,成为我国历史上一位杰出的大文学家。    鲁迅    嚼辣椒驱寒。鲁迅年轻的时候在江南水师学堂读书。第一个学期成绩很优秀,学校奖给他一枚金质奖章。他马上把奖章拿到南京鼓楼街头卖掉,然后拿卖得的钱买了几本书,还买
叶承耀先生是知名的明式家具收藏家。1991年,香港中文大学曹为其举办过个人藏品展览,并出版图录“Dreams of Chu TanChamber and the Romance with Huanghuali wood.The Dr.