Comparison of PCR, DIA and Pathogenicity Assay for Detection of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv.citri,the

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaibian000000
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Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) approach based on newly designed primers, JYF5/JYR5, wasapplied for specific detection of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv.citri(Xac). The efficiencyand reliability of PCR method were compared with dot immunobinding assay (DIA) andclassical pathogenicity test techniques for detecting suspensions of pure cells of Xacand soaking sap of citrus tissues. Detection sensitivity of PCR was about 4.5 cells or1.56 pg target DNA per reaction which was higher than that of DIA (ca. 450 cells per dot).These three techniques (PCR assay, DIA and Pathogenecity test) could always detect Xacfrom symptomatic citrus samples. Different performances were obtained from citrusmaterials without symptoms, and the positive detection frequency was PCR, DIA andpathogenicity test. The efficiency and reliability of PCR method were compared with dot immunobinding assay (DIA) andlassical pathogenicity test techniques (Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) approach based on newly designed primers, JYF5 / JYR5, wasapplied for specific detection of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv.citri for detecting suspensions of pure cells of Xacand soaking sap of citrus tissues. Detection sensitivity of PCR was about 4.5 cells or 1.56 pg target DNA per reaction which was higher than that of DIA (ca. 450 cells per dot). These three techniques ( PCR assay, DIA and Pathogenecity test) could always detect Xacfrom symptomatic citrus samples. Different performances were obtained from citrusmaterials without symptoms, and the positive detection frequency was PCR, DIA andpathogenicity test.
患者 男,34岁.结婚近4年,其妻自然流产4次,均于孕50~70天出现阴道流血,经B超检查证实只有空孕囊无胚胎发育而行清宫术.夫妻表型智力正常、身体健康.非近亲婚配,其妻自诉孕期无有害物质接触及感染史,患者精液分析及前列腺液涂片分析均正常.患者父母无近亲关系和不良生育史,兄妹3人所生子女表型及智力均无异常。
The biological risks from space radiation encountered by cosmonauts were estimated for long-term du- ration in space. The Kunmng strain mice were wholly irradia