进入2012年,“大数据”(big data)一词频频见诸于报端,许多专家认为,人类已进入一个数据爆炸性增长的大数据时代,社会发展的核心驱动力,已由“动力驱动”转变为“数据驱动”。大数据是全球发展的新变革,大数据时代的来临对交通管理者的数据驾驭能力提出了新的挑战,也为更好地提升交通管理水平提供了前所未有的机遇。笔者结合对大数据的理解和大数据技术在深圳的应用实践,提出了大数据技术在交通管理领域的应用思路。
Entering into 2012, the term “big data” frequently appears in the newspapers. Many experts believe that humankind has entered an era of big data with explosive growth in data and the core driving force of social development has been “driven by” Drive “into ” data driver ". Big data is a new revolution in global development. The advent of the big data era has posed new challenges to the traffic control ability of data traffic controllers and provided an unprecedented opportunity for better traffic management. Based on the understanding of big data and the application of big data technology in Shenzhen, the author puts forward the application of big data technology in the field of traffic management.