鉴于目前学生的基础,我认为课堂练习是教学中重要的一环.通过演示、启发、阅读教材、提示、补充、归纳等等方法,在教学过程中,把讲解和练习有机地结合起来.下面就电与磁这部分教学,谈一点个人的体会. 初中学生对磁现象有一些初步认识,但对磁的本质、电与磁的关系是不知道的.电流的磁效应在电磁学中是一个非常重要的基础知
In view of the current student’s foundation, I believe that classroom exercises are an important part of teaching. Through demonstrations, inspiration, reading of teaching materials, tips, supplements, inductions, and other methods, in the teaching process, the explanations and exercises are organically combined. In this part of the teaching of electricity and magnetism, talk about personal experience. Junior high school students have some preliminary understanding of the magnetic phenomenon, but the relationship between the nature of the magnetic, electrical and magnetic is not known. The magnetic effect of the current is a Very important basic knowledge