恐怕很少有人会将键盘、鼠标当作一个值得费脑筋挑选的东西而写在自己的采购单里。但明基(BenQ)雌出的键鼠套装,使这个选择过程充满了乐趣。 明基(BenQ)也没有想到在不到一年的时间里能有那么多大牌厂商跟进。现在不仅明基推出了从机械套装到光电套装的4款不同套装产品,连罗技、双飞燕这样原本专作鼠标的老牌厂商也接连推出了的套装产品。明基(BenQ)认为,套装的推出不仅没有影响原本的鼠标键盘产品销量,反而在一定程度上强化了自主品牌的价值和影响力。事实上,键鼠套装的推出的确成为了市场格局重整的一个信号,各大厂商都反映,自己的鼠标、键盘产品的销售并没有受到套装的影响,反而呈现了齐头并进的趋势。
I’m afraid few people will be the keyboard, mouse, as a worth picking things to write in their own purchase order. But BenQ’s female keyboard and mouse outfit makes the selection fun. BenQ also did not expect that in less than a year there will be so many big-name manufacturers to follow up. BenQ not only now launched from the mechanical suite to the optical suite of 4 different sets of products, including Logitech, Shuangfeiyan this original mouse manufacturers have also introduced a series of established products. BenQ (BenQ) that the introduction of the package not only did not affect the original sales of mouse and keyboard products, but to some extent, strengthen the value and influence of own brand. In fact, the launch of the mouse and keyboard set did indeed become a signal of market restructuring, major manufacturers have reflected that their own mouse and keyboard product sales have not been affected by the package, but showed a trend go hand in hand.