An Analysis of the Current Investment Situation and Developing Trends in China's Tourism Indust

来源 :China\'s Foreign Trade | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:davidphoenix
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An interview with Wei Xiaoan,the Director of Planning,Development and Finance Department for the State Tourism AdministrationQuestion: After over twenty years of incessant efforts since Chi- na’s opening up to the outside world,China has been transforming itself.Once merely a resource-rich country, it later became an Asian tourism destination. And now it has been steadily advancing towards be- coming one of the world’s premier tourist destina- tions.China’s tourism industry has been attracting increasingly attention from every corner of the world. An interview with Wei Xiaoan, the Director of Planning, Development and Finance Department for the State Tourism Administration Questions: After more than twenty years of incessant efforts since Chi- na’s opening up to the outside world, China has been transforming itself. Only pure a resource- rich country, it later became an Asian tourism destination. And now it has been steadily advancing towards be-coming one of the world’s premier tourist destina- tions. China’s tourism industry has been attracting most attention from every corner of the world.
OBJECTIVE: To examine whether preterm premature rupture of membranes (PROM), intrauterine infection, and oligohydramnios are risk factors for placental abruptio
男 ,1 8岁。于 1 998年 6月 2 3日被 3 80伏高压电击伤 ,从约 3m高处坠下 ,昏迷约一小时 ,醒后发现全身多处受伤 ,未出现呕吐 ,无大小便失禁及四肢抽搐和视力障碍。在院外简单
 1997年1~3月,驻湘部队某仓库发生伤寒流行,我们对疫情发生单位进行了流行病学调查,报告如下。1 疫情基本情况  1999年1月15日~3月27日,该仓库连续发生病人共15例。病人集中在3月14日共11人,1月15日~3月5日共4人