
来源 :新课程(教育学术) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaotiantiandetian
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音乐课虽说是以学唱歌、欣赏音乐和歌曲为主的,但音乐也和其他学科、其他艺术有着很多的联系,对学生的教育也有重要的意义。音乐教师应该重视这个作用,充分利用好这一教育阵线,对学生的审美观、审美情趣以及其他的思想品格进行必要的教育。在此从学生的性格、行为方面浅谈音乐对中职学生的影响。同时针对研究中的结果提出教学建议,以便学校能够为学生创设良好的学习情境,为提高教与学的效率提供依据。 Although music lessons are based on singing, listening to music and songs, music also has many connections with other disciplines and other arts, and is also of great significance to students’ education. Music teachers should attach importance to this role and make full use of this education front to educate the students about their aesthetic standards, aesthetic taste and other ideological and moral qualities. In this article from the students’ personality and behavior aspects of the impact of music on secondary vocational students. At the same time, some teaching suggestions are put forward according to the results of the study so that the school can create a good learning situation for the students and provide a basis for improving the efficiency of teaching and learning.