INTRODUCTION TO UPTS INTEGRATED CIRCUITRY AND ITS DEVELOPMENT TOOLS This circuit is a microprocessor that is structured to accommodate a specific type of function: conventional arithmetical calculations of fixed-point-encoded data tables. Its computational power is very high, because it uses two RAMs to separate the data, and the two RAMs are separate from the ROMs containing the programs so that they can access two data at the same time when accessing an instruction. Strong computing power also comes from a number of specialized computing units: memory address calculation unit, line multiplier, logic and arithmetic unit. In addition, two 16-bit bi-directional buses are also included for easy connection of the circuit to its peripheral circuitry. The first bus through the “mailbox” exchange to send data, the circuit addressing space is 64K words. The second bus conveniently controls the circuit through a general-purpose microprocessor (accessing internal memory and registers, stopping access, and re-running at any point of the program). The bus can also perform UPTS instruction input, both in the internal ROM expansion mode, but also in the external system to store instructions (simulation, the little finger