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华新水泥厂全体职工在党的领导下,在1958年大跃进的胜利基础上,以冲天革命干劲,苦干、实干、巧干,超额完成了今年第一季度生产计划。打响了1959年更大更好更全面跃进的第一炮。第一季度水泥产量,比原订跃进计划超产424吨,比去年同期提高了37.78%,质量全部合格。三个月都是按月均衡的超额完成计划。其他产品和各种经济指标以及基本建设也都分别超额0.77—62%,完成了跃进计划,实现了首季“月月红、满堂红”。在争取完成和超额完成第一季度生产任务的战斗中我们作了一系列工作,也摸索到一些经验。加强党的领导,坚持政治挂帅,不断地反对右倾保守思想和松劲情绪。一季度是克服重重困难的三个月,也是向右倾保守思想和松劲情绪不断进行斗争的三个月。年初,有部分干部和群众对1958年大跃进的成就认识不足,认 Under the leadership of the party and on the basis of the victory of the Great Leap Forward in 1958, all the staff and workers of Huaxin Cement Plant surpassed the production plan of the first quarter of this year by vigor and vitality, hard work, practical work and clever work. The first shot was made in 1959, bigger, better and more fully leap forward. In the first quarter, the output of cement was 424 tons more than the planned leap forward plan, an increase of 37.78% over the same period of last year, with all the qualities passed. Three months are monthly balance of over-completion plan. Other products and various economic indicators as well as capital construction also exceeded 0.77-62% respectively, completing the leap forward plan and realizing “the moon, the moon and the moon” in the first quarter. We have made a series of efforts and won some experience in the battle to complete and over-deliver the first-quarter production tasks. Strengthen the leadership of the party, uphold the political command, continue to oppose the conservative thinking right and loose emotions. The first quarter is three months of overcoming difficulties and the three months of constant struggle against the right conservative thinking and sentiments. At the beginning of this year, some cadres and the masses did not fully understand the achievements of the Great Leap Forward in 1958
有句名言来自《孙子兵法·虚实篇》:“夫兵形像水,水之行避高而趋下,兵之胜避实而击虚,水因地而制行,兵因敌而制胜。”意思是说,战争的规律就像水流一样,水往低处流,仗要往虚处打,水因地形高低不同而往低处流,战争则要根据敌人情况的不同,而采取不同的战术战略以取胜。  古人尚且如此,遑论今人?嫁接到当前的投资理财上,更是如此。股市的波谲云诡,市场热点的轮回转换,使得很多投资者不得不放弃“长期投资”甚至“价
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