角斑古毒蛾 orgyia gonostigmaLinnaeus又名杨白纹毒蛾.杂食性,为害多种林木.1982年10月,在我所悬铃木、柳树上曾大发生,一树有虫多至数千条.近二年来, 我们对此虫进行了室内饲养和野外观察,现将结果整理如下;分布与寄主国内分布除江苏外,据记载有河南、河北、东北,国外分布于朝鲜、日本、苏联、欧洲.寄主树种在南京地区有柳、榆、悬铃木、栎类,泡桐、蔷薇等.据文献记载还有杨、桦、鹅耳枥、桤木、榛、山毛榉、梨、苹果、李、梅、樱桃、花椒,悬钩子、山楂、落叶松等.形态特征(一)成虫雄蛾体长11—15毫米,翅展25—36毫米,体灰褐色,前规黄褐色, 内区前半布白色鳞,后半赭黄色,基线、亚基线白色,纤细
Orgyia gonostigmaLinnaeus, also known as the Populus toxins moth, omnivore, damage to a variety of trees in October 1982, in my planelake, willow tree had a large, a tree worm up to thousands of the past two years , We carried out indoor rearing and field observation of the insects, the results are organized as follows; distribution and host domestic distribution in addition to Jiangsu, according to records of Henan, Hebei, northeast, abroad distributed in North Korea, Japan, the Soviet Union, Europe. In the area of Nanjing there are willow, elm, Platanus, oaks, paulownia, rose etc. According to the literature, there are Yang, Betula, Carpinus, Alder, Hazel, Beech, Suspended hooks, hawthorn, larch, etc. Morphological characteristics (a) adult male moth body length 11-15 mm, wingspan 25-36 mm, body gray brown, pre-rule tan, the first half of the inner white cloth scales, the latter half ocher Yellow, Baseline, Sub-Baseline White, Slim