1938年的法案着重于产品的州际贸易。对于在同样管辖范畴之内的食品和化妆品,在新的法律中两部分关于药品的提述是最有名的。对《1906年纯食品和药品法》的第一次实际检验发生在1908年的法庭上,当时专利药,Cuforhedake Brane-Fude的标签被认为是虚假的和具有误导性的。1906年法律并未涉及虚假或误导性的治疗声称。在1912年,Sherley修正案获得通过,增加了错误标识(mis-branding)的定义:“任何对其中所含成分、物质、配方涉及到治疗的声明、设计
The 1938 act focused on interstate commerce of products. For the food and cosmetics under the same jurisdiction, the two parts of the new law refer to the drug most notably. The first physical examination of the 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act took place in court in 1908, when the label for Cuforhedake Brane-Fude, the patented drug, was considered false and misleading. The 1906 law did not address false or misleading treatment claims. In 1912, the Sherley Amendment was passed with the addition of the definition of mis-branding: ”Any statement of the ingredients, substances, formulations involved in the treatment, design