患者,女,42岁,2007年底无明显诱因出现左侧外阴红肿疼痛,有胡豆大小质硬包块,伴有压痛及瘙痒,影响行走。2009年8月以疼痛为主要症状就诊,查体:左侧大阴唇上份耻骨处皮肤明显充血水肿,浅表溃疡,皮温高,触痛明显。血常规:白细胞计数:9.1×109/L,中性分叶核粒细胞百分率:76.7%;B超示:阴蒂上份皮下直径1.5 cm×1.4 cm×1.6
Patients, female, 42 years old, no obvious incentive at the end of 2007 there is pain in the left vulvar swelling, hardness of walnuts with mass, accompanied by tenderness and itching, affecting walking. August 2009 with pain as the main symptom treatment, physical examination: the left labia minora on the pubic area was hyperemia and edema, superficial ulcers, high dermal temperature, tenderness significantly. Blood: white blood cell count: 9.1 × 109 / L, the percentage of neutrophilic granulocytes: 76.7%; B ultrasound shows: the clitoris on the subcutaneous diameter of 1.5 cm × 1.4 cm × 1.6