利用普通压片法对3个引进彩色马蹄莲(Zantedeschia hybrid)品种的染色体数与核型进行了分析。结果表明:所试验品种染色体数均为2n=32。染色体形态比较一致,多是由中部(m)以及近中部(sm)着丝粒染色体组成。其中,‘Allure’为2n=2x=32=14m(2SAT)+2sm,‘Cupdio’的核型公式为2n=2x=32=14m+2sm,Odessa的核型公式为2x=32=1M+15m(1SAT)。3个品种核型不对称系数分别为56.72%,56.25%和56.38%,核型分类显示其均为1A型。
Chromosome number and karyotype of three introduced varieties of Zantedeschia hybrid were analyzed by using ordinary tabletting method. The results showed that the chromosome number of the tested cultivars was 2n = 32. Chromosomes more consistent, mostly by the central (m) and near the middle (cm) centromere chromosomes. The formula for ’Cupdio’ is 2n = 2x = 32 = 14m + 2sm and the formula for Odessa is 2x = 32 = 1M + 15m (1SAT). The karyotype asymmetry coefficients of three cultivars were 56.72%, 56.25% and 56.38%, respectively. The karyotypes were all 1A type.