软件产业,在如今风云变幻,技术飞速发展的高科技时代,无疑是一颗耀眼的明珠。软件产业的兴与衰,无不切切实实地折射出一个国家的实力和科技发展程度。纵览天下,美国的 IT 巨头微软靠着操作系统和办公软件咄咄逼人;我们的亚洲近邻印度软件业,在蹒跚中起步,却凭借着55%的年增长率成为世界软件出口大国。而我们国家的软件产业,虽然也取得了许多成绩,但无庸讳言,和世界先进水平相比,多多
The software industry is undoubtedly a dazzling jewel in today’s high-tech era with ever-changing technology and rapid technological development. The rise and fall of the software industry all reflect the actual strength and technological development of a country. Looking at the world, the United States IT giant Microsoft aggressively rely on operating systems and office software; our Asian neighbor Indian software industry started in the middle of the country, but with a 55% annual growth rate becomes the world’s largest software exporter. Although our country’s software industry has achieved a lot of achievements, it goes without saying that it is much more than the world’s advanced level.