耿村煤矿主井绞车是1 986年安装投产的,设计装载系统是定容装载,经常出现提升超载现象,特别是遇到湿煤、矸石等情况时,造成绞车提不动,超出绞车的张力差,损坏电气设备,影响钢丝绳和机械设备寿命,有时造成装载闸门闭合不好,原煤放到井底,严重时造成停产。2004年12月,该矿购进1台某公司生产的定量装载设备,安装以后,经常出现称载不准确——传感器不传信号,溜煤嘴与溜煤筒撞击,有时还发生箕斗装不满,缷载时极容易出现过卷事故。为此,安装后
The main shaft winch of Gengcun Coal Mine was installed and put into production in 1986, and the design loading system is loaded with constant capacity. The phenomenon of overloading often occurs, especially in the case of wet coal and gangue, causing the winch to move beyond the tension of the winch Bad, damage to electrical equipment, affecting wire rope and mechanical equipment life, and sometimes result in poor closure of the loading gate, the coal into the bottom of the well, resulting in serious production discontinued. In December 2004, the mine purchased a quantitative loading equipment produced by a certain company. After installation, it often appeared that the load was not accurate - the sensor did not send a signal, the coal nozzle slipped and the coal-feeding cylinder collided, and sometimes the skip loading occurred Dissatisfaction, when loading is extremely prone to over-roll accident. To do this, after installation