705—10—(1)是适于河西灌区的冬麦适种地区种植的优良品系。本品系系甘肃省农业科学院张掖试验场用本院粮食作物所“5702×晋农52”杂交组合的 F_1代材料,于1972年在分离群体中选出38个优良单株;1973年建立株系圃,从中选出表现优异的株系705—10;该株系收获后的混合种子定代号为705—10—(1),并参加1974年品系鉴定试验,据当年观察,性状整齐,鉴定圃折合亩产800斤,繁殖区折合亩产1067.5斤,1975年参加品比试验,折合
705-10- (1) is a good line suitable for winter wheat planting in Hexi Irrigation Area. The strain is F_1 generation material of “5702 × Jinnong 52” hybridized by the grain crops of our hospital in Zhangye Experimental Station of Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences. In 1973, 38 excellent individuals were selected from the segregation groups. In 1973, Department of nursery, from which to select outstanding strains 705-10; The strains of hybrid seeds after the code given number 705-10- (1), and to participate in the 1974 line identification test, according to the year was observed, neat, identification Nursery Yield 800 kg per mu, breeding area equivalent to 1067.5 kg per mu, in 1975 to participate in the ratio test, equivalent to