一、概况据这次战伤救治的部分资料,耳鼻咽喉科伤员占5.67%,其中耳部伤72.7%,鼻部伤20.9%,致伤部位见附表。这次耳鼻咽喉伤的治疗,一般都是转至二线医院由专科处理,主要体会有以下几点: (一)抗感染有力,预后比较好。例如爆震性鼓膜穿孔154例中,92%的伤员中耳无感染,从而有72%的伤员自行愈合。 (二)注意了早期的清创缝合处理。例如80例耳廓的各类外伤,由于在前方早期进行了良好的清创缝合,全部未留明显畸形。 (三)对颌面伤合并鼻窦损伤的处理,注意了鼻窦引流。 (四)由于很快将伤员转至二线或后方医院,许多疑难伤情如面神经损伤、鼻中隔穿
I. General According to some information on the treatment of war wounds, otolaryngology wounded accounted for 5.67%, of which 72.7% of ear injuries, nose injuries 20.9%, see the attached table of injury site. The treatment of otolaryngological sore throat, are generally transferred to second-line hospital by the specialist treatment, the main experience has the following points: (A) strong anti-infection, the prognosis is better. For example, the detonation tympanic membrane perforation in 154 cases, 92% of the injured middle ear without infection, resulting in 72% of the wounded heal themselves. (B) pay attention to the early debridement suture treatment. For example, 80 cases of various types of traumatic auricle, due to early debridement in a good early debridement, all without significant deformity. (C) of maxillofacial injury associated with sinus damage treatment, pay attention to the sinus drainage. (D) As the casualties were quickly transferred to second-line or rear hospital, many difficult injuries such as facial nerve injury, nasal septum wear