
来源 :中国卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunwen_fly
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现行大病保险支付标准采用“准普惠型”的方式,各省(市)都依据当地城镇居民人均可支配收入情况,制定了大病保险的起付标准。但是,这种“一刀切”的灾难性卫生支出界定政策,并未与每个家庭或个人的收入和经济状况挂钩,限制了大病保险制度的实际受益人群规模,特别是针对特困人群,一个相对较低的医疗费用支出,也会成为一种灾难性卫生支出,未能真正解决由于大病引起的因病致贫、因病返贫现象。因此,管理部门可以向商业保险公 The current prevalence of serious illness insurance payment standard “Pratt & Whitney type ” approach, the provinces (cities) are based on the local urban residents per capita disposable income, developed the starting standard of serious illness insurance. However, this “one size fits all” policy of defining catastrophic health expenditures is not tied to the income and economic status of each household or individual, limiting the actual beneficiary size of the MSI system, especially for the destitute population, one Relatively low medical expenses can also become catastrophic health expenditures, failing to really solve the poverty-related illness caused by serious illness and the return of poverty due to illness. Therefore, the management department can be to the commercial insurance company