自2003年3月成立执政新班底以来, 中国进入了新的社会转型期。“三农问题”、官员腐败、煤矿安全、医改教改、贫富差距、社会不公……这些或多年陈积或近期凸现的新老社会问题纷纷放大。持续了20多年的改革进程,由此渐渐步入深水区,以经济改革为主的改革走向, 也开始全面转向社会改革、政治改革等更为广泛的层面。沿着这一新的改革路径,改革的最高目标已不再局限于经济增长,而是着力于构建和谐社会的各项制度建设。
Since the establishment of the new ruling class in March 2003, China has entered a new period of social transformation. “Problems of Agriculture, Peasantry and Peasants”, Corruption of officials, safety of coal mines, reform of medical reform, gap between rich and poor, and social injustice ... These old and new social issues that have emerged over the years or have recently emerged have been magnified. After more than 20 years of reform, it gradually entered the deep-water area. The direction of economic reforms has also shifted to a broader perspective, such as social reform and political reform. Along this new path of reform, the ultimate goal of reform is no longer confined to economic growth but to the construction of systems for building a harmonious society.